Unity 3D

Impasto delves into the late works of Spanish artist Francisco Goya, taking place in a unified world comprised of his Black Paintings, where the player must venture to find their destiny amidst decimation by ethereal forces and the Spanish Inquisition.
Skills: Unity 3D​, C#, Miro, Perforce, Blender
Genre: Horror-Adventure
Estimated Play Time: ~40 Minutes
Team Size: 40 People
Development Time: June 2021 - May 2022
Available On: PC
Systems & Level Designer
Grayboxed opening level in Blender, then collaborated with other designers in implementing level in Unity
Designed and documented several gameplay mechanics, including AI perception, checkpoints, and stealth systems
Implemented a timed falling platform mechanic in C#
Collaborated with art team to polish levels’ golden paths while maintaining moody lighting and historical accuracy